Perfusion NewswireMain ZoneMUF 102: Arterio-Arterial MUF (EP Video)MUF 102: Arterio-Arterial MUF (EP Video)Epic StaffingMain Zone, Mobile Zone, Multimedia Zone, Perfusion Zone
Main Zone, Mobile Zone, Multimedia Zone, Perfusion Zone The Effect of Sleep Loss and Fatigue in Cardiovascular Perfusion Students: A Mixed Methods Study (EP Video) Ashley Hodge discusses the effects of sleep loss and fatigue on perfusion student performance (15:04 minutes).
Circuit Surfers, CQI, Perfusion Glitch International CQI: USA: Cardioplegia Line Kinked Editors Note: This is a new Section. We are trying to develop a database of common or not-so-common problems encountered by perfusionists […]
Main Zone, Mobile Zone, Multimedia Zone, Perfusion Zone Cardioplegia Round Table Discussion: Plegisol (EP Video) Carrie Striker discusses the important aspects pf Plegisol cardioplegia (2:38 minutes).