Merry Christmas 2017! The ‘Surfers Team :)

Editor’s Note:
Well, it’s been quite a year, and I hope that for you and your families, it has been a gracious year, a good year, and an enlightening 365 days since last Christmas.
Geo-Political issues and positions aside, it is deeply comforting to see that when it comes to Cardiac Medicine, there is no color, no ethnic or religious bias, and certainly no international boundaries. I applaud all of you (us), for being bold enough to do this strident work, and diligent enough to ensure a good patient outcome each-and-every time. That’s what we do 🙂
Below are some images that reflect how Christmas is celebrated around the world- plz feel free to post pictures on the ‘Surfers FB page– and I will add them to this post.
A shout out to new and old friends from everywhere that I have met this past year! Charlie, Iris, Sean, Bryan, Weng, Dennis, Stephen, Fadi, Robert, Nadia, Kim, MVP.. Ragnar, Renee, Allayne, and my fellow classmate who passed this last month- Mike! God Bless all of you as well as the countless peers and cohorts that I haven’t mentioned.
Merry Christmas & Peace to ALL of You 🙂