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Current Evidence and Future Directions of Tranexamic Acid Use, Efficacy, and Dosing for Major Surgical Procedures
Tranexamic acid reduces blood loss and transfusion requirements with no significant thrombotic adverse effects.
Advantages of Off-Pump Coronary Artery Bypass Grafting in Long-Term Hemodialysis Patients: Multicenter Analysis
OPCAB significantly decreased blood loss, blood transfusion, ICU stay, and major perioperative morbidity compared with the values for CCAB. OPCAB may have advantages over CCAB in long-term hemodialysis patients.
A Nonocclusive, Inexpensive Pediatric Pulsatile Roller Pump for Cardiopulmonary Bypass, Extracorporeal Life Support, and Left/Right Ventricular Assist Systems
This particular nonocclusive pediatric pulsatile system performed well during all of the experimental conditions.