Live Blog: Uluru ! 2012 [Saturday Afternoon]

Uluru is sacred to the Anangu, the Aboriginal people of the area. The area around the formation is home to a plethora of springs, waterholes, rock caves and ancient paintings. Uluru is listed as a World Heritage Site.
Media Journalism by…
Martin Gill: Perfusionist
Editor, ANCZP Gazette
(Children’s Hospital at Westmead, Sydney Australia)
Editor’s Note:
To view the entire Uluru series, Click Here…
This opportunity is provided by the efforts of, Mr. Martin Gill, perfusionist, who is attending this meeting in Australia’s Wild West so to speak..
His previous live conference blog (the 1st here @ ‘Surfers) can be read by clicking here…
Why a Live Blog ?
The intention here @ CircuitSurfers is to offer up a library of these types of objective POV’s (Points of View) to highlight conferences as well as “personalize” what a potential attendee can expect if deciding to participate.
Uluru Conference:
Saturday Session: Day 3:
Saturday Afternoon @ the ANZCP Annual Scientific Meeting
Lunch was great…. now for some more science.
The first post lunch session began with Dr Dixon from Flinders Medical Centre in Adelaide. Dr Dixon spoke about acute lung injury and acute respiratory distress syndrome. This very common condition effects many patients that the perfusionist may come across. Within this presentation we were treated to a detailed account of the causes of ARDS and the mechanisms involved in the inflammatory response underpinning this.
The next talk saw the return of, the now legendary, Steve Sutton to the podium. This time Steve was discussing the brain and bypass from a historical perspective taking us right through to the modern time. When placed within the context of history it is easy to get exited by the advances we have made as a perfusion community- we do still have further to go before we can adequately declare that we are doing no harm.
Following afternoon tea we were welcomed back and got ready for the last of our landmark lectures- Akif Undar presenting on the handling of microemboli in relation to paediatric circuitry. This was a great presentation that left the audience in envy of the research capability of Dr Undars laboratory. Akif`s research advocated the use of arterial line filters (with purge line open) and the employment of a second cardiotomy reservoir (that drains into the primary reservoir) as two methods for significantly reducing gaseous micromemboli to the patient.
The last formal lecture of the day was once again from Dr Dixon.This time her presentation tackled the lung in chronic heart failure. The very complex mechanisms involved in this condition was presented with emphasis on the remodelling that takes place. Dr Dixon went on to acknowledge the potential benefit for work in relation to ECMO, VAD and transplant for this pathology.
Steve Sutton, Clare Elwell and Akif Undar
The meeting closed with a panel discussion involving all three of our landmark lecturers- Steve Sutton, Clare Elwell and Akif Undar– this was really great as delegates had the opportunity to pose any questions that they may not have got the chance to ask before- and also the panel had the opportunity to question each other- FANTASTIC!
Right- time to put the old black tie on and get ready for the gala dinner. I`ll let you know all about it in the morning….. well maybe closer to afternoon.
Steve and I
The Rock pre sunset.
To read the Wrap-Up of the Conference- Click here…