Live Blog: Uluru ! 2012 [Wednesday]

Uluru is sacred to the Anangu, the Aboriginal people of the area. The area around the formation is home to a plethora of springs, waterholes, rock caves and ancient paintings. Uluru is listed as a World Heritage Site.
Media Journalism by…
Martin Gill: Perfusionist
Editor, ANCZP Gazette
(Children’s Hospital at Westmead, Sydney Australia)
Editor’s Note:
To view the entire Uluru series, Click Here…
This opportunity is provided by the efforts of, Mr. Martin Gill, perfusionist, who is attending this meeting in Australia’s Wild West so to speak..
His previous live conference blog (the 1st here @ ‘Surfers) can be read by clicking here…
Why a Live Blog ?
The intention here @ CircuitSurfers is to offer up a library of these types of objective POV’s (Points of View) to highlight conferences as well as “personalize” what a potential attendee can expect if deciding to participate.
Uluru Conference:
Getting There …
Well, it hardly seems a full year has passed since the last annual gathering of the Australian and New Zealand College of Perfusionists. Yet here I am cruising at approximately 35000 feet on my way to Uluru, the red centre of Australia, for the ANZCP 29th Annual Scientific Meeting.
Some of you may remember reading about my exploits as I chronicled last years meeting for Circuit Surfers. Well I shall once again attempt to bring you the essence of this years meeting with one of the most recognisable and distinctly Australian back drops in the world. As I take a look out of the aeroplane window there is a whole lot of red and baron landscape, I am however assured that the resort/ conference centre/ and bloody big rock are all truly spectacular. The Captain has also informed me that the temperature is 34c- not bad for first thing in the morning.
As was the case last year, this meeting will take place over 2 1/2 days. The Thursday consists of a paediatric and ECMO special interest session followed by the ‘fireside chat’ session- which will hopefully live up to last years session and spark some healthy debate. Friday and Saturday will be the more formal and scientific component of the meeting and will include landmark lectures from 3 keynote speakers- Akif Undar, Steve Sutton and Clare Elwell.
I will attempt to bring you updates following each session and social event as way of a live blog- I hope you enjoy reading about this meeting as I know both the location and strength (or lack of) of the U.S. dollar precludes many of you from attending.
Cheers for now
Martin Gill
Gary and Killian relaxed at the airport on the way to Uluru.
An afternoon not seeing the Rock, but preparing the satchels ready for the delegates.
To go to Thursday- Click Here …