Live Blog: TPA Seminar: Day 2

Media Journalism by…
Mr. Whitt Behr, Perfusion Student at the Vanderbilt School of Perfusion
The Tennessee Perfusion Association Conference:
Live via Twitter… September 23-24
Editor’s Note: This opportunity is provided by the laudable initiative of Mr. Behr. He reflects well on his university (Vanderbilt) and it’s perfusion program.
As well, it should be mentioned that the Tennessee Perfusion Society is offering the video-cast of this seminar as an opportunity for perfusionists to earn 19.2 CEU’s.
For details please Click Here.
The intention here @ CircuitSurfers is to offer up a library of these types of objective POV’s (Points of View) to highlight conferences as well as “personalize” what a potential attendee can expect if deciding to participate.
Seminar Starting: Session III
08:15 am
@CircuitSurfers Rich Ginther Jr. BS, CCP, LCP, FPP, pediatric perfusionist from Uni. of Texas Southwest Medical Center in Dallas, TX
@CircuitSurfers he will be discussing del nido cardioplegia…I am very interested in this topic after exposure to it at Vandy Children’s
- Rich Ginther presenting Del Nido Cardioplegia
09:15 am
@CircuitSurfers Dr. Richard Gates, cardiac surgeon from children’s Hospital of orange county presenting clinical strategy and technique for microplegia use in complex and high risk patients
10:00 am
@CircuitSurfers Dr. Clause Preusse, cardiac surgeon from University of Bonn in Germany presenting conceptual concepts of myocardial protection-current state of the art
- Cardioplegia Panel discussion Q & A
10:30 am
@CircuitSurfers vastly different approaches to plegia…microplegia to htk to del nido, warm to cold, blood to crystalloid..very interesting
@CircuitSurfers very fascinating debate and will be an important part in perfusion of the future from what I have heard & interpreted today
11:00 am
@CircuitSurfers Dr. Lishan Acklog, cardiac surgeon from St. Josephs Hospital and medical center in phoenix AZ…he is discussing PE and the angiovac
@CircuitSurfers presenting a novel endovascular approach utilizing balloon shaped expandable funnel shaped venous cannula with extracorporeal circulation to facilitate flow and at the end- removal of undesirable intravascular material
@CircuitSurfers Keith Samolyk presenting Microvascular circulation and fluid volume management with CPB patients
@CircuitSurfers Isaac Chinnappan MS, CCP, LCP and senior pediatric perfusionist of Monroe Carell Jr. Children’s Hospital (Vandy Children’s)
@CircuitSurfers importance of quantative and qualitative appraisal of integrating colloid osmotic pressure regulation during cardiopulmonary bypass in neonates and infants
1:00 pm
@CircuitSurfers Dr. Jason Kennedy, cardiac anesthesia at Vanderbilt University Medical Center presenting Fluids in Cardiac Surgery myths, religion and evidence
- Fluid management panel discussion