Live Blog: TPA Seminar: Day 1

Media Journalism by…
Mr. Whitt Behr, Perfusion Student at the Vanderbilt School of Perfusion
The Tennessee Perfusion Association Conference:
Live via Twitter… September 23-24
Editor’s Note: This opportunity is provided by the laudable initiative of Mr. Behr. He reflects / represents well regarding his university (Vanderbilt) and it’s perfusion program.
As well, it should be mentioned that the Tennessee Perfusion Society is offering the video-cast of this seminar as an opportunity for perfusionists to earn 19.2 CEU’s.
For details please Click Here.
The intention here @ CircuitSurfers is to offer up a library of these types of objective POV’s (Points of View) to highlight conferences as well as “personalize” what a potential attendee can expect if deciding to participate.
Seminar Starting… Session I
11:15 am
@wbehr08 @CircuitSurfers TPA meeting Tom Frazier from St. Thomas starting the meeting #TPA
@wbehr08 @CircuitSurfers Dr. Nathan Ashby of VUMC presenting Man in the Machine: a case presentation of mechanical cardiac support weaning from the mechanical support
12:00 pm
@wbehr08 @CircuitSurfers now Dr. Chad Wagner cardiac anesthesia, presenting Out of the OR, into the ICU: Role of hemodynamic echocardiography in…
@wbehr08 @CircuitSurfers Dr. Ashby’s presentation was over the use of IABP & biventricular support to allow patient to stabilize, go home…. avoid transplant and survive with now only heart failure meds and icd…also vads were removed due to presentation of HIT
- Dr. Wagner presenting case conclusions through echo
Texted Comment: Frank Aprile:
“Nice job covering the conference Whitt ! I am looking forward to seeing how this works out. Frank”
12:41 pm
@wbehr08 @CircuitSurfers now Dr. Pampee Young of VUMC presenting New Strategies for Blood Management
@wbehr08 @CircuitSurfers Ashby’s presentation was very good,informative…Wagner’s was over my head as far as echo interpretation and med therapies
- Dr. Pampee Young discussing blood management
01:30 pm
@wbehr08 @CircuitSurfers very fascinating learning about the protocols and processes for blood management at Vanderbilt and Vanderbilt Children’s
Texted Comment: Whit Behr
“Not sure how long i’ll have cell power, but will tweet till it dies then keep tweets on paper and catch up and tweet all of them tonight”
1:45 pm
@wbehr08 @CircuitSurfers Kieth Samolyk, CP, LCP, CEO of Global Blood Resources on Multidisciplinary Approach to Blood Management in Cardiac Surgery. He is also the manufacturer of the HemoBag.
2:20 pm
@wbehr08 @CircuitSurfers interesting talk over mortality of fluid & blood products administration including data analysis from admitting to yrs later
@wbehr08 @CircuitSurfers hemodilution, transfusions and blood products bad….ultrafiltration, albumin and hemobag good…also needs to be managed by nurses, surgeons, anesthesia, perfusion… all the way to hospital administration for patient care to financial reasons
2:30 pm
- A panel discussion for previous 4 speaker
Session II
3:30 pm
Britt McILwain MSP, CCP from Uni. of Alabama Medical Center presenting Novalung Case Report
- Novalung Presentation
4:00 pm
@wbehr08 @CircuitSurfers: RosemarieTitus from Maquet presenting the Cardiohelp technology and capabilities
4:30 pm
@wbehr08 @CircuitSurfers: Panel Discussion Q & A for 2 previous speakers..I felt the Novalung has a future, but have concerns on the cardiohelp
4:45 pm
@wbehr08 @CircuitSurfers: Tom Klein BS, CCP, LCP, FPP and chief of Monroe Carrell Jr. Children’s Hospital (Vanderbilt Children’s) talks about… healthcare reform on service delivery
@wbehr08 @CircuitSurfers: Tom Klein provided a in depth insight into things I did know existed and were in the near future…good to be aware of
@wbehr08 @CircuitSurfers: Larry Van Horn…wow, he completely tore apart the healthcare reform, laid all the facts out, showed whats to come, realist
@wbehr08 @CircuitSurfers Yes depressing to hear and see as a 23 yr old, but spoke the truth and wish more ppl listened to ppl like him…
Was personally my favorite speaker of the night followed by the blood management speakers
To go to Day 2 of TPA conference Click Here