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Cardiopulmonary Bypass in A Child with Severe Factor XII Deficiency
We report the case of a 14.7 kg girl undergoing CPB with a pre-admission FXII concentration of <1% and aPTT >200 seconds. The child was transfused with fresh-frozen plasma to replenish FXII, allowing safe ACT monitoring of heparin anticoagulation throughout CPB.
Successful Trans-Atlantic Air Ambulance Transfer of a Patient Supported by a Bi-Ventricular Assist Device
Here we describe the successful transfer of a patient supported by a biventricular assist device (BiVAD) from Cambridge, UK, to Durham, NC, via fixed-wing jet aircraft.
Possible Transfusion-Related Acute Lung Injury (TRALI) in Cardiac Surgery Patients
This study was tp determine the incidence of possible transfusion-related acute lung injury (TRALI) and related risk factors in cardiac surgery patients.