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Perfusion NewswireMobile ZoneJostra Announces the Minimal Extra Corporeal Circulation System (MECC)

Jostra Announces the Minimal Extra Corporeal Circulation System (MECC)

The Jostra MECC System®
Minimal Extra Corporeal Circulation System


Minimally invasive cardiac surgery with extra-corporeal

With the Jostra MECC System® we present a
minimalised extra-corporeal circulation system designed for use with complete
myocardial revascularisation due to multiple coronary vessel disease, performed
under a cardiac arrest. By reducing the system to its fundamental components, we
continue to provide optimum conditions during the entire operation.


Your Benefits

Avoids haemodynamic instability during wall stabilisation and
heart luxation

Coronary anastomoses can be performed with accustomed precision.

Optimum monitoring and regulation of body temperature

Operative time comparable to conventional ECC

Improved post-operative condition of the patient



Priming volume

MECC System®  500 ml
MECC System® with QUART 680 ml

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