INTERMITTENT dose of FACT when Reality BITES

Co-Editor Anna Lou Villena 🙂
INTERMITTENT dose of FACT when Reality BITES
Let me quote a famous drolly statement, “In the beginning, God created the Heavens and the Earth… the rest was made in China.”
I am sharing our “perfusionist-friendly” and cost effective disposable blood cardioplegia delivery system set. A product of Ke Wei Medical Instrument company , manufactured in Dong Guan City, GuangDong Province, Republic of China.
Some Facts:
The Features Checklist:
❶ Tubing sizes configured for a 4:1 ratio of blood-crystalloid cardioplegia solution.
❷ Made of a transparent material with a bubble trap that provides a clear visualization if an air is trapped in while priming and during delivery per se.
❸ Stainless coiled loops for cooling system.
❹ Low priming volume.
❺ With port for pressure monitoring during infusion.
❻ Circuit is connected to the cardiotomy reservoir to facilitate its debubbling.
❼ Injection port allows drug administration.
To this extent, it is recommended for use and is safe for pediatric and adult patients assuring accurate mixture of blood-crystalloid cardioplegia delivery.
In use …
Brought To You From …
The Great Wall 🙂