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Sevoflurane Requirement to Maintain Bispectral Index-Guided Steady-State Level of Anesthesia During the Rewarming Phase of Cardiopulmonary Bypass With Moderate Hypothermia
The sevoflurane requirement increases during the rewarming phase of hypothermic CPB.
Predicting Acute Kidney Injury Following Nonemergent Cardiac Surgery: A Preoperative Scorecard
Preoperative eGFR is the strongest predictor of postoperative AKI in individuals undergoing nonemergent cardiac surgery. A practical scorecard incorporating preoperative predictors of AKI may allow informed decision‐making and predict AKI following nonemergent cardiac surgery.
Rapid Thrombelastography Predicts Perioperative Massive Blood Transfusion in Patients Undergoing Coronary Artery Bypass Grafting: A Retrospective Study
Preoperative r-TEG activated clotting time can predict the increase of postoperative MBT in patients undergoing CABG. We recommend the careful monitoring of coagulation system with r-TEG, which allows rapid diagnosis of coagulation abnormalities even before the start of surgery.