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Successful Antithrombin Administration in Andexanet Alfa-Associated Heparin Resistance
During routine CPB, high-dose unfractionated heparin (UFH) prevents consumptive coagulopathy and the formation of thrombi within the CPB circuit and the patient's circulation. Prior treatment with andexanet alfa can pose difficulties in achieving adequate anticoagulation during CPB with UFH. The administration of antithrombin, in combination with UFH, may overcome these difficulties.
PercuSurge’s GuardWire Distal Protection System Backed by FDA
The Circulatory Devices Advisory Committee to the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) on Monday recommended 510(k) clearance of PercuSurge’s GuardWire Plus […]
Pain Assessment and Training: The Impact on Pain Control after Cardiac Surgery
We analyzed the effects of training and the application of a form for the systematized assessment of pain control after cardiac surgery on pain intensity and supplementary use of morphine.