Perfusion NewswireBlood ManagementIn Vivo TEG Analysis of Wild Type and Transgene Knockout Mice with Endotoxemic-Induced Sepsis: Framework for the Study of Acute Traumatic Coagulopathy (Video)
In Vivo TEG Analysis of Wild Type and Transgene Knockout Mice with Endotoxemic-Induced Sepsis: Framework for the Study of Acute Traumatic Coagulopathy (Video)
BACKGROUND: Exposure of left ventricular (LV) myocytes to simulated hyperkalemic cardioplegic arrest (HCA) has been demonstrated to perturb ionic homeostasis and adversely […]
Mitral annular calcification is associated with an increased prevalence of severe obstruction coronary artery disease, according to a report in the February […]
“The 3 D Crowd” ________Click image to enlarge Photographer: Senthil Kumran Dhanakotti Equipment: Digital Editing: Ink Outlines Narrative: 3D ENDO LIMA harvesting in Apollo […]