In Memory of Ray Childress

It is with a sad heart we want to inform the perfusion community that Ray Childress passed away this week after a long, brave and hard-fought battle with various health issues. Ray was well known throughout the perfusion community during his career that remarkably spanned over 40 years. Ray held marketing and senior management positions during his 35 year tenure with COBE Cardiovascular/Sorin Group, and also held various management positions with leading contract perfusion companies. He was known for his extensive clinical perfusion knowledge, business acumen, and negotiation skills…as well as his wit and sense of humor. He was fun at meetings, at group presentations, and one on one. Ray was a pioneer in the concept of hiring Perfusionists as sales people and the company realized great success as a result. He was a fixture at all the national meetings where people looked forward to seeing him. He certainly had a significant impact on the lives and careers of many sales people and perfusionists alike. Ray was one of those industry icons that will be dearly missed. Below is the obituary and link to the funeral home’s web site. If Ray Childress touched you at some time in your career, please let the family know by posting a message on his “Tribute Wall”.