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Extracorporeal Life Support for Adults With Respiratory Failure and Related Indications: A Review
The substantial growth over the last decade in the use of extracorporeal life support for adults with acute respiratory failure reveals an enthusiasm for the technology not always consistent with the evidence. However, recent high-quality data, primarily in patients with acute respiratory distress syndrome, have made extracorporeal life support more widely accepted in clinical practice.
Point of Care Monitoring Overview (EP Video)
Dr. Paula J. Santrach provides an overview of the current point-of-care monitoring devices for blood management (30:10 minutes).
Analysis of Dynamic Changes in Cognitive Workload During Cardiac Surgery Perfusionists′ Interactions With the Cardiopulmonary Bypass Pump
We identified dynamic, temporal fluctuations in HRV among perfusionists during cardiac surgery corresponding to subjective reports of cognitive workload. Not only does cognitive workload differ for perfusionists during bypass compared with pre- and postbypass phases, but differences in HRV were also detected within the three bypass phases.