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Use of the CDI Blood Parameter Monitoring System 500 for Continuous Blood Gas Measurement During Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation Simulation
The purpose of this experiment was to compare the Opticath and the CDI 500 in trending venous blood saturation during a simulation of ECMO.
Very Low Blood Flow Carbon Dioxide Removal System is Not Effective in A Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease Exacerbation Setting
The present retrospective study describes the first use of PrismaLung in severe COPD patients with acute exacerbation. When compared with a higher blood flow ECCO2R system, our results show that this novel, very low-flow device is not able to remove sufficient CO2, normalize pH or decrease respiratory rate.
Late Driveline Left Ventricular Assist Device Infection Treated with Frozen-and-Thawed Allogeneic Platelet Gel
In this case report, we report the application of frozen-and-thawed allogeneic platelet gel (PLT-gel) to treat a late driveline exit site infection in a 56-year old patient supported by a Heartware-HVAD left ventricular assist device.