Hemodynamics of Neonatal Double Lumen Cannula Malposition

Malposition of dual lumen cannula is a frequent and challenging complication in neonates and plays a significant role in shaping the in vitro device hemodynamics. This study aims to analyze the effect of the dual lumen cannula malposition on right-atrial hemodynamics in neonatal patients using an experimentally validated computational fluid dynamics model.
A computer model was developed for clinically approved dual lumen cannula (13Fr Origen Biomedical, Austin, Texas, USA) oriented inside the atrium of a 3-kg neonate with normal venous return. Atrial hemodynamics and dual lumen cannula malposition were systematically simulated for two rotations (antero-atrial and atrio-septal) and four translations (two intravascular movements along inferior vena cava and two dislodged configurations in the atrium). A multi-domain compartmentalized mesh was prepared to allow the site-specific evaluation of important hemodynamic parameters. Transport of each blood stream, blood damage levels, and recirculation times are quantified and compared to dual lumen cannula in proper position.
High recirculation levels (39 ± 4%) in malpositioned cases resulted in poor oxygen saturation where maximum recirculation of up to 42% was observed. Apparently, Origen dual lumen cannula showed poor inferior vena cava blood–capturing efficiency (48 ± 8%) but high superior vena cava blood–capturing efficiency (86 ± 10%). Dual lumen cannula malposition resulted in corresponding changes in residence time (1.7 ± 0.5 seconds through the tricuspid). No significant differences in blood damage were observed among the simulated cases compared to normal orientation. Compared to the correct dual lumen cannula position, both rotational and translational displacements of the dual lumen cannula resulted in significant hemodynamic differences.
Rotational or translational movement of dual lumen cannula is the determining factor for atrial hemodynamics, venous capturing efficiency, blood residence time, and oxygenated blood delivery. Results obtained through computational fluid dynamics methodology can provide valuable foresight in assessing the performance of the dual lumen cannula in patient-specific configurations.