HAS THIS HAPPENED TO YOU ? H2O Outlet Deformity on Oxygenator:

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Have you seen this happen before?
This is my 3rd time.
Plz respond in the comments section below- or send an email privately to [email protected] to share your experience and identify if this is indeed a common issue.
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Event Description:
- Water line leaked after attaching to Oxygenator. This is the 3rd time I have seen this. Observed what appears to be a mold deformity on the H2O outlet from the Oxygenator, distorted inwardly so that a water tight fit is not possible.
How Was The Problem Identified?
- Watched the connection leak upon connection- and spray out once the Heater/Cooler was turned on..
What Steps Were Taken ?
- Oxynenator was replaced.
- New Oxygenator looked normal and performed the Water Test well. Issue Resolved
What Clues Were Missed?
- None:
- Third time I have seen this happen.
- No issues.
- Manufacturer contacted
Want to Share a Problem or Unique Perfusion Issue?
email: [email protected]
(Click Image to View Summary of Glitches)