Happy Valentines Day !
Editor’s Note:
Sometimes you just have to let the day speak for itself 🙂
Be in love with somebody today
From my grade school friend- Mary-Beth
When St Valentine’s day comes around and nothing romantic is happening in my life, I always remind myself of how lucky I have been: how many people can say that they have loved and been loved and are sure it happened more than once? There are some people in the world who have never experienced that feeling of pure happiness that takes over when two people discover each other – and the bliss of the initial attraction. Every story is different and has different intensities, but you never forget if someone has been in your heart, even if the love turns into a different emotion after time. So, what am I saying? If it doesn’t ever happen again it doesn’t matter: I know what it means and can smile and say to myself that my heart has been touched and retouched and will open up again like magic if it wants to. And if it doesn’t, everything it has experienced will keep it beating, with no regrets or sadness. It has definitely been generous enough…. Happy valentine’s day , lovers of the world! Don’t ever forget how lucky you are to love and be loved!