Happy New Year 2012 !

Picture Credit to Joshua…
Well it was a great year. Thank you all so very much for dropping in and participating in this blog.
I think it has grown up a bit. Some things worked and some things didn’t.
A valuable lesson learned is to leave politics out of perfusion. I want to thank the leadership at AMSECT, Craig Volcelka, and Bill Riley for helping smooth some things out, and for being willling to give this a chance.
To the readership at AMSECT- thank you for tolerating my many posts, and there shall be no further posts heading in that general direction. Sorry if it was so troublesome.
The upsides are the following:
- 75,000 visits
- 137 Countries
- 350 + Cities
- A few jobs were landed
I am looking forward to the next year and want this site to be a great place to visit, learn more about our profession, and see the human side of the things we do.
Below is a sample of some of the best work that came out of last year…
The Best of the Best : 2011
(Click on any images below to read associated article)
Getting Jobs for Perfusionists
The International Perfusion Art Gallery
Less Than Perfect: Emergencies
High Profile Cases & The Media
A Man on a Mission: 3rd World Perfusion Missions
Live Blogging Australian Perfusion Conference
Adding Perfusionists to The Heart team
Vetted? What Sources Do You Trust on the Internet ?
Comments & Opinions About Circuit Surfers
Coping Mechanisms ?
ECMO Nurses
What Makes a Perfusionist ?
How Much Does Blood Cost ?
About Bypass & Dying …
Locums Survey
Student Diary
Bridge to Transplants & New Media
A New Beginning
Oxygen Pressure Field Theory
What makes This Blog Great?
A Day in the Life: 24 Hours of ECMO
Wet Circuits Survey Results
Facebook Twitter & CCP’s
Pt. Premonitions
Failing Oxygenator
Rating the Best O.R. ‘s
When to toss a Primed Circuit
Perfusion Mentors
Other Anticoagulants
Looking for Work…
Bypass & Pregnancy
Thanks for taking the time to read this.
Frank Aprile, BBA LP CCP
(Please leave Comments below- and let me know what you think- and any suggestions you might have to make this better)