Perfusion NewswireCircuit SurfersHappy Mother’s Day! From Circuit Surfers & Perfusion.comHappy Mother’s Day! From Circuit Surfers & Perfusion.comFrank AprileCircuit Surfers, This is for my beautiful wife, Kashmir- who is an amazing mother to 5 children ! Thanks 🙂 Me Your Children… Marria Ann Justin Christopher Kimberly Elizabeth Naya Dorothy A’Brehn Massimo
Main Zone, Mobile Zone, Multimedia Zone, Perfusion Zone Minimally Invasive Valve Surgery: Technique and Financial Considerations (EP Video) Dr. Brian Hummel discusses his techniques with minimally invasive valve surgery including the use of Custodiol Cardioplegia (38:23 minutes).
Main Zone, Mobile Zone, Perfusion Zone Technical Problems and Complications of Axillary Artery Cannulation We describe the technical problems and complications associated with axillary artery cannulation.
Main Zone, Multimedia Zone, Perfusion Zone Whole Body Hyperthermia Using Extra-Corporeal Membrane Oxygenation and Antegrade Carotid Cerebral Perfusion, an Effective Safe Model (Video) Ahmses Maat discusses the use of whole body hyperthermia using ECMO and antegrade carotid cerebral perfusion (13 minutes).