Haemadsorption Improves Intraoperative Haemodynamics and Metabolic Changes During Aortic Surgery with Hypothermic Circulatory Arrest

Aortic surgery involving hypothermic circulatory arrest (HCA) results in a systemic inflammatory response that may negatively influence outcome. An extracorporeal haemadsorption (HA) device (CytoSorb®) that removes inflammatory triggers may improve haemodynamic and metabolic reactions due to excessive inflammation and, ultimately, outcome.
As a single-centre experience, the data of 336 patients who had undergone aortic surgery with HCA between 2013 and 2017 were retrospectively analysed. Patients with HA were matched to patients receiving standard therapy without HA (Control) by propensity score matching and compared subsequently.
During aortic surgery with HCA, HA significantly reduced the requirement of norepinephrine (HA: 0.102 µg/kg/min; Control: 0.113; P = 0.043). Severe disturbances of acid–base balance as reflected by a pH lower than 7.19 (HA: 7.1%; Control: 11.6%; P = 0.139), maximum lactate concentrations (HA: 3.75 mmol/l; Control: 4.23 P = 0.078) and the need for tris-hydroxymethylaminomethane buffer (HA: 6.5%; Control: 13.7%; P = 0.045) were less frequent with HA. Compared to standard therapy, HA decreased the need for transfusion of packed red blood cells (1 unit; P = 0.021) and fresh frozen plasma (3 units; P = 0.001), but increased the requirement of prothrombin complex concentrate (800 IE, P = 0.0036). HA did not affect inflammatory laboratory markers on the first postoperative day. Differences in operative mortality (HA: 4.8%; Control: 8.8%) and the length of hospital stay (HA: 13.5 days; Control: 14) were not statistically significant.
HA significantly reduces the need for vasopressors, the amount of transfusion and improves acid–base balance in aortic surgery with HCA. Multicentre prospective trials are required to confirm these results.