Giuseppe Salerno : Talking With …

Founder of: Gruppo dei Perfusionisti !!!
I met Giuseppe on Facebook after he invited me to join his online perfusion group (see above). I left a couple of links to posts on his group page, and next thing you know- my site blew up! I logged about 600 hits in an hour or so.
Basically a total invasion from the Italian perfusion contingent 🙂
I like what I see with the Italians, how they express themselves, their passion, and their love of art and all things beautiful.
So anyway, I decided to ask Giuseppe to do an interview for ‘Surfers– and he agreed.
So here it is 🙂
The Life of Giuseppe
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Talking With …
Hi G-
Can I use that for your name?
First of all thank you for your invitation to the group, and as well- for agreeing to share your insights on perfusion from an Italian perspective.
So on to the interview…
The Interview:
Describe your life when you first engaged medicine, what made you decide to go into perfusion, what were the circumstances for getting into a perfusion program ?
Hello frank
In 2002 he finished high school my intention was to get the university to become a medical doctor and heart surgeon later. Unfortunately I was unable to overcome the difficult entrance exam. I decided then to take the test to become a perfusionist, even if I did not know what it was. after 3 years of study and training I graduated as a perfusionist.
Tell me about the places you have worked, your equipment that you use, how you conserve resources, how patients are selected (ability to pay- is it an issue) ?
My first experience was with a company lavoratva perfusion of service, or they decided to send me to work where and for how long. was a wonderful experience, I learned so much and met so many people. in the two years of service I worked in rome, florence, in Lecce and Caserta. after two years with them in 2008 I arrived in Taranto, in my city, where I partcipato opening of the heart surgery center. every place I worked I used different equipment and materials, each had its own protocols and the way they work. All these centers are affiliated with the national health system, so patients do not pay anything.
Discuss the physician perfusion relationship. Is it relaxed, formal, how do you interact when you need to give meds or make adjustments while on bypass.
the relationship with the doctors in my center is very friendly with some of them go to dinner together, play football. during bypass act independently, thanks to the trust we have earned. if we make them do drugs safely without asking for permission.
What is your impression of medicine in America (please be honest) as compared to medicine in Italy ?
I believe that American medicine is higher than the Italian, although we are very knowledgeable doctors and high level technologies. But often the search is not easy, so our “genes” migrating abroad, even in America
Discuss your techniques regarding blood management, use of plavix, Novo7, platelets, FFP and Cryo.
Patients using those drugs before, during and after surgery are subjected to the examination of thromboelastography, to assess the state of coagulation. Possibly using products and drugs to prevent massive blood loss in post-operative
Give me your opinion on how blogs, youtube, facebook, and twitter affect perfusionists- and any direction you see that is attainable for instant communication to help each other across the globe?
FB, YouTube and blogs are very useful in my opinion, enable us to meet their colleagues from other cities, other states to exchange ideas, opinions, experience. Thanks to them we got to know us
You use FB a lot. Do you prefer that medium to perfusion forums? You also created your own FB group- Gruppo dei Perfusionisti
A group you invited me to join. What direction are you headed with that?
I use both the FB group and other forums, such group that I spoke of their experiences of working methods, even though we are a bit ‘firm, although not all are actively participating members.
What is your goal for international perfusion communication?
I like the idea of being able to communicate with foreign colleagues, to learn new things that maybe do not know here in Italy
Thank you Frank, you too can answer these questions, to know you a little ‘better.
Hello and thanks