From: Circuit Surfers WITH! Happy New Year!

To view all of the New Year’s FB messages on’s FB- click image above 🙂
A Message from Bryan Lich, CCP
I want to thank everyone who has supported Circuit Surfer’s over the last 4 years. This year will represent a new chapter for Circuit Surfer’s, as it is now part of the family. I am looking forward to working with Frank and seeing what we can accomplish as a team in the New Year!
Editor’s Note:
It’s been a heck of a year! Some tremendous interviews, articles and contributions from so many people across the globe. Look forward to seeing a recap of the best posts and articles for 2014.
I want to thank all of you for reading, and contributing here- as we have grown tremendously, and accept all that wish to participate.
So I was profoundly moved when I visited the Facebook page and saw well over 75 entries from so many countries and cultures- all wishing one another a Happy New Year 2015! That spirit of communion and professional camaraderie is so refreshing in times when trust has been so challenged.
What you will see in the slide show below- are many, many, dedicated perfusionists that are all clearly cut from the same cloth- (as only we would know).
I am honored to share the same title of perfusionist- with each and every one of you- because we all know that we have earned it 🙂
May all of you be blessed this year 🙂
We ARE Brothers & Sisters…