Perfusion NewswireMain ZoneFirst We Need to Take Care of Ourselves (EP Video)First We Need to Take Care of Ourselves (EP Video)Epic StaffingMain Zone, Mobile Zone, Multimedia Zone, Perfusion Zone
ECMO Zone, Pediatric Zone, Perfusion Zone, Tiny Perfusion Letter ECMO as a Platform for Rapid Ammonia Removal in a Neonate With Multienzyme Urea Cycle Disorder This case will add to the existing scant literature supporting the use of ECMO as a platform for rapid removal of serum ammonia.
Main Zone, Multimedia Zone Translational Science: What is It and How Does it Relate to the Practice of Perfusion? (Video) Clive Landis talks about translational science and how it relates to the practice of perfusion (15 minutes).
Mobile Zone, Perfusion Zone Wound Closure Technique Affects Postoperative Infection Rate Percutaneous suturing results in fewer superficial wound infections than does intracutaneous suturing after open-heart surgery, according to results of a randomized study […]