Perfusion NewswireBlood ManagementEvidence-Based Blood Management (Video)Evidence-Based Blood Management (Video)Epic StaffingBlood Management, Main Zone, Multimedia Zone
Perfusion Zone, Tiny Perfusion Letter Single- Versus Multidose Cardioplegia in Adult Cardiac Surgery Patients: A Meta-analysis Del Nido decreases operative times, reperfusion fibrillation, and surge of cardiac enzymes compared with multidose cardioplegia.
Circuit Surfers, Why We Do This: LVAD_one 2009 Days + “So yes, we engage hope and strive to do our best, but our vision for this patient’s future is sometimes less than vibrant- […]
Circuit Surfers, LPM: A Student’s Perspective- ECMO “I realized that I learned what a vast difference it is to move from doing a case in the OR, to following […]