Perfusion NewswireCircuit SurfersEmployment Opportunity: RN to Manage Cath Lab: Dallas, TxEmployment Opportunity: RN to Manage Cath Lab: Dallas, TxFrank AprileCircuit Surfers, Click to view Job Posting @ Precision Surgical Staffing
Main Zone, Mobile Zone, Perfusion Zone Implementation of Cerebral Autoregulation into Computational Fluid Dynamics Studies of Cardiopulmonary Bypass In this study, a mathematical model is presented to implement cerebral autoregulation into computational fluid dynamics (CFD) studies.
Main Zone, Mobile Zone, Perfusion Devices, Perfusion Zone Vascular Access for Extracorporeal Life Support: Tips and Tricks The objective of this review is to describe the rational of the different ECLS techniques used in thoracic surgery and lung transplantation (LTx) with a specific attention to the vascular access.
Circuit Surfers, ICHF: A Man on a Mission: [2] Author & Message: Courtesy of Mr. Brian Forsberg, MPH, CCP ICHF Mission It is every child’s right to be born into a […]