Effects of Milrinone on Renal Perfusion, Filtration and Oxygenation in Patients with Acute Heart Failure and Low Cardiac Output Early After Cardiac Surgery

Early postoperative heart failure is common after cardiac surgery, and inotrope treatment may impact renal perfusion and oxygenation. We aimed to study the renal effects of the inodilator milrinone when used for the treatment of heart failure after weaning from cardiopulmonary bypass (CPB).
Material and methods
In 26 patients undergoing cardiac surgery with CPB, we used renal vein catheterization to prospectively measure renal blood flow (RBF), glomerular filtration rate (GFR), and renal oxygenation. Patients who developed acute heart failure and low cardiac output (cardiac index <2.1 L/min/m2) at 30 min after weaning from CPB (n = 7) were given milrinone, and the remaining patients (n = 19) served as controls. Additional measurements were made at 60 min after CPB.
In patients with acute postoperative heart failure, before receiving milrinone, renal blood flow was lower (−33%, p < .05) while renal oxygen extraction was higher (41%, p < .05) compared to the control group. Milrinone increased cardiac index (21%, p < .001), RBF (36%, p < .01) and renal oxygen delivery (35%, p < .01), with no significant change in GFR and oxygen consumption compared to the control group.
In patients with acute heart failure after weaning from CPB, the milrinone-induced increase in cardiac output was accompanied by improved renal oxygenation.