Education and Scientific Dissemination during the Covid-19 Pandemic

The COVID‐19 pandemic has produced unique challenges for society in general and healthcare workers in particular. For intensivists and anaesthetists, the clinical workload has been incomparable, with multiple challenges for those providing frontline care. This has included staffing dramatically expanded intensive care units, redeployment, cross‐skilling and embracing new ways of working. It has also included involvement in many less high profile roles, such as hospital logistics planning, risk management and supply chain management to ensure critical care and emergency anaesthesia and surgery have space, staff, systems and equipment. These many new ways of working have necessitated numerous staff taking on new or long‐forgotten roles and have created a need for focused, up to date teaching and training. This editorial outlines how education and scientific dissemination at the Association of Anaesthetists has continued throughout the pandemic, as well as exploring likely future directions for such activities.