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The Predictive Value of the 4Ts and HEP Score at Recommended Cutoffs in Patients With Mechanical Circulatory Support Devices
The 4Ts and HEP scores have a modest predictive performance for probable HIT in patients requiring MCS devices. A low 4Ts or HEP score does not reliably rule out HIT in patients requiring MCS, and clinical suspicion for HIT should be investigated, utilizing laboratory tests in this population.
Developing a Benchmarking Process in Perfusion: A Report of the Perfusion Downunder Collaboration
The Perfusion Downunder Collaboration has established a multi-center perfusion focused database aimed at achieving these goals through the development of quantitative quality indicators for clinical improvement through benchmarking.
Cerebral Microemboli during Extracorporeal Life Support: A Single-Centre Cohort Study
Our results indicate that adult ECLS patients are continuously exposed to many gaseous and, frequently, to few solid cerebral microemboli. Prolonged cerebral microemboli formation may contribute to neurological morbidity related to ECLS treatment.