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Perfusion NewswireCircuit SurfersDo You Have a Mission ?

Do You Have a Mission ?


A New Approach

Space 1

If you have a Medical Mission that you are planning…

I would like to offer up a newer and perhaps innovative approach to facilitating materials, supplies, and volunteer efforts.

It would involve a Post or Advertisement of your Mission…

Here on CircuitSurfers.

Obviously at no charge.

Trial it?  See How it Works?


Click Image above for a test run …

Step 1 Advertise the Mission

Tell us who you are and what you are doing.

Step 2 Clarify your needs…

That’s the brass tacks of it all.  What are you doing, and what do you need to get it done?

That can be handled by setting up a Mission Checklist

Step 3 Summarize Your Assets…

That way people will know what you already have, and what you need-

Simple and universal real time access to the status of your efforts…

Step 4 :  The Process Begins…

An ONLINE Mission Checklist would be created to allow people to pledge their contributions, and more importantly, frame the “Readiness Status” of the Mission in Real Time.

A simple click on a “Status Link” could generate a graphic similar to the one’s below…

Sample of Checklist Structure & Reports

Professional Services

Financial Support

Perfusion Hardware

Perfusion Disposables

General Items

Medications & Sundries

Please leave any suggestions in the comments section 🙂

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