Do Not Toss ! (Don’t Miss it in Your Mailbox)

Editor’s Note:
It’s a small brochure and I almost tossed it- so double check your mailboxes 🙂
Click image to view meeting details
February 5 – 8, 2014
San Diego, California USA
CREF 2014
The premier San Diego perfusion meeting, focuses on cardiopulmonary bypass and extracorporeal perfusion. It offers cutting-edge presentations, discussions, and hands-on workshops and extracurricular education on topics related to cardiac surgery, cardiopulmonary bypass, and extracorporeal perfusion.
This annual California perfusion conference offers ample CME CEU credits and is designed to meet the specific educational needs of perfusionists (CCPs), physician assistants (PA-Cs), nurses (RNs), and cardiac surgeons (MDs).
Important Dates:
Early Registration 1 Ends
Early Registration 2 Ends
Abstract Deadline
Early Registration 3 Ends
CREF Speakers Announced
The 2014 CREF meeting has an impressive lineup of speakers for next February’s gathering in San Diego:
- Eugene H. Blackstone MD
- Charles H. Brown MD
- Simone Campbell SSS
- David C. Fitzgerald BS CCP
- A. Marc Gillinov MD
- William E. Harris BS CCP
- William D. “Scott” Killgore PhD
- Robert S. Kramer MD FACS
- Ahmses S. Maat RRT CCP DMD
- Richard F. Newland CCP BSc
- Eyal E. Porat MD
- Craig H. Selzman MD
- George Silvay MD PhD
- Bruce D. Spiess MD FAHA
- Paul N. Uhlig MD MPA FACS
- Jonathan H. Waters MD
- Douglas A. Wiegmann PhD
- Y. Joseph Woo MD
Co-Chairs Julie A. Swain MD and Alfred H. Stammers MSA CCP work closely with the CREF Program Committee to select the leaders in your field to provide the continuing medical education you need to improve your practice. For more information on each of these speakers, visit our website:
Add Your Name to the Above List?
Call for Abstracts
Why not join this illustrious group by submitting an abstract for presentation and competing for the prestigious15th Annual Utley Award? The submission deadline is December 15, 2013. For complete details, visit
Join the CREF Mailing List
September Brochure Mailing
If you would like to receive a brochure for next year’s meeting, email us your preferred mailing address.
To make your reservation at the Hilton San Diego Bayfront, the official conference hotel, use the convenient online registration website, or phone the hotel directly: Hilton Phone Reservations: 1-800-445-8667. To obtain the group discount, remember to mention CREF 2014 when making your reservation.
Click to View Hotel Details
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Post Your Meeting for Free !
email: [email protected]
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