World's Largest Resource for Cardiovascular Perfusion

Devices: Fibrillator

Where Can I find This ?

Cardiac Fibrillator:

(Click Image to Visit Website)

There was a message on Perflist regarding trying to locate a fibrillator.  Now I had seen these messages pop up now and again, so I figured- “why not give it a shot” ?

Simple Google thing right?  Typed it in, and voila’ !

There it was.  A proud looking website and just like that I was able to post it right back up to Perflist.

And that’s when I entered PerfLOST.

As in- I actually looked at the site and tried to send an email to the company to get some more details.

Tracking Down an Odd Perfusion Device …

So I looked up the email address on the above mentioned site and sent out an exploratory message…

And as you can see…  That didn’t work out too well.

So I tried calling the number (Chennai, India) using an over seas operator- so that I could get the right email address.

Well that number was impossible to reach so now I’m thinking I have led half the perfusionists on Perflist on a wild goose chase.

No way..  that’s not gonna’ happen (at least I hope it won’t).

So I turn to Google again, and find this little gem…

(Click on Image above to Visit Website)

I called them up (kinduv’ curious about the picture- looked more like a bunch of batteries than a box) , and found out that the last few customers they had sold these  to (BATTERIES for a fibrillator- not the device itself),  were directly to hospitals.

Well that establishes that if they are selling the batteries, then most likely they are still making these units somewhere, and the lady on the other end of the phone suggested concentrating on the model number 302R.

So I did that search on Google again- and came up with this little discussion forum piece from Perfmail a year ago…

I follow that lead and search for The Cardiovascular Instrument Corp.

I get to their website here…

(Click Image above to Visit Website)

And I made the phone call to speak once again to a living breathing person.

The bottom line?  Yes they have it- and it costs about $1,800.

I have placed their link on my sidebar for future rabbit hunts…

Cardiovascular Instrument Corp.


Email :  [email protected]

Phone : 781-245-7799

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