Del Nido Cardioplegia in Isolated Adult Coronary Artery Bypass Surgery

Del Nido cardioplegia (DC) offers prolonged single-dose myocardial protection in pediatric cardiac surgery. We set out to evaluate the efficacy of DC in adult patients undergoing isolated coronary artery bypass grafting (CABG).
From January 2012 to October 2017, 851 consecutive isolated CABG surgeries were performed by 2 study surgeons at our center with blood cardioplegia (BC, n = 350), used from January 2012 to April 2014, and DC (n = 501), used from May 2014 to October 2017. Propensity matching was used to yield 325 well-matched pairs. Clinical data were extracted from our local Society of Thoracic Surgeons database and mortality data from the Michigan State Social Security Death Index.
Single-dose administration was used in 83% (417/501) of patients receiving DC. In propensity-matched groups, postoperative median troponin T levels (0.28 [0.16-0.59] ng/mL vs 0.46 [0.27-0.81] ng/mL; P < .01) were lower for patients receiving DC, and no difference in ejection fraction on postoperative echocardiography was observed (54 ± 12% and 53 ± 13% for BC and DC, respectively; P = .36). Perioperative outcomes were similar except for greater rate of atrial fibrillation (33% vs 23%; P = .01) in the DC group. Subgroup analyses revealed equivalent myocardial protection and clinical outcomes in patients with age ≥75 years, left ventricular ejection fraction ≤35%, left main disease, or Society of Thoracic Surgeons score ≥2.5%. Four-year survival did not differ between patients undergoing BC or DC.
The current study revealed noninferior myocardial protection and clinical outcomes with DC versus BC in both routine and greater-risk patients undergoing isolated CABG. DC demonstrated the feasibility of single-dose administration for isolated CABG surgery. Larger randomized studies are needed to further explore the safety and efficacy of DC in adult cardiac surgery with longer crossclamp times.