Cytosorb® Hemoadsorption of Apixaban During Emergent Cardio-Pulmonary Bypass: A Case Report

Peri-operative coagulation management of patients receiving apixaban, a new oral anticoagulant, is difficult. The CytoSorb® hemoadsorption device might represent a therapeutic option to reduce apixaban’s pharmacological and inflammatory effects during high-risk surgery.
Case presentation
An 83-year-old woman treated with Apixaban underwent emergent redo mitral valve replacement for prosthetic valve endocarditis. A CytoSorb® cartridge was added to the cardio-pulmonary bypass (CPB) circuit. Apixaban-specific anti-factor Xa activity (AFXaA) were measured peri-operatively. After 100 minutes of CPB, a 50% AFXaA rate decrease was observed as compared to pre-CPB values. Furthermore, we noticed 39% and 44% reductions of AFXaA levels in comparison to the expected levels in patients with normal or altered renal function, respectively.
Insertion of a CytoSorb® cartridge in the CPB was safe and associated with rapid correction of Apixaban-associated anticoagulation.