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Antifibrinolytic Agents in Current Anaesthetic Practice
Antifibrinolytic drugs have become almost ubiquitous in their use during major surgery when bleeding is expected or commonplace. Inhibition of the fibrinolytic pathway after tissue injury has been consistently shown to reduce postoperative or traumatic bleeding. We have reviewed the current literature for this increasingly popular class of drugs to support clinical judgement in daily anaesthetic practice.
COVID-19 Safety: Aerosol-Generating Procedures and Cardiothoracic Surgery and Anaesthesia – Australian And New Zealand Consensus Statement
This statement reflects changes in management based on expert opinion, national guidelines and available evidence. Our knowledge with regard to COVID‐19 continues to evolve and with this, guidance may change and develop. Our colleagues are urged to follow national guidelines and institutional recommendations regarding best practices to protect their patients and themselves.
Colloid v. Crystalloid ?
Selecting Your Perfusate Authored By: Gerard J Myers Did you ever consider why we use one type of perfusate over the other? […]