Comparison of Three Autotransfusion Devices for Utilization in the Pediatric Population

A device that may help attenuate the amount of homologous blood product given to pediatric cardiac surgical patients is the autotransfusion device. Three separate autotransfusion devices were selected for evaluation. The Sorin Xtra, Fresenius Continuous Autotransfusion System Plus (CATS*plus), and the Fresenius Continuous Autotransfusion System Smart (CATSmart) were evaluated based on the mechanical processes of each device, hematocrit value of the salvaged packed red cell product, time of processing, and the advantageous accessories with each device.
Each of the autotransfusion devices were used to collect salvageable blood from the surgical field as well as to process residual blood from the cardiopulmonary bypass circuit after decannulation. The cell salvage process was performed in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions for use and the recommended settings for processing and washing. The Sorin Xtra device had the 55 mL bowl set up for all cases, while the Fresenius continuous autotransfusion systems utilized the standard disposable for each device.
Each cell salvage device was employed during 30 pediatric cardiac surgery procedures, and data for each device, was broken down into four groups based on patient weight (0-10, 10-20, 20-40, and >40 kg). For all patient sizes, the Sorin Xtra tended to produce the greatest volume of cell saver product (55-825 mL) as compared to the CATS*plus and CATSmart devices (7-550 mL and 0-860 mL, respectively). The Continuous Autotransfusion System Smart tended to produce the highest hematocrit product, ranging from 44 to 81%.
Through this evaluation, it was determined the continuous autotransfusion systems provided the highest hematocrit with the lowest recovered packed red cell volume, while the Sorin Xtra packed red cell product showed to have a lower hematocrit with a larger packed red cell volume. Each device proved effective within our pediatric population.