Perfusion NewswireMain ZoneClinical Benefits of Mitral Valve Repair (Video)Clinical Benefits of Mitral Valve Repair (Video)Epic StaffingMain Zone, Multimedia Zone, Perfusion Zone
Main Zone, Perfusion Zone Impact of 2 Distinct Levels of Mean Arterial Pressure on Near-Infrared Spectroscopy During Cardiac Surgery: Secondary Outcome From a Randomized Clinical Trial The aim of the present study was in a randomized, blinded design to elucidate the effect of 2 distinct levels of MAP on rScO2 values during CPB.
Blood Management, Main Zone, Mobile Zone, Perfusion Zone Cardiopulmonary Bypass and Oxidative Stress Cardiopulmonary bypass (CPB) is associated with the activation of different coagulation, proinflammatory, survival cascades and altered redox state.
Biologics Zone, Blood Management, Main Zone, Multimedia Zone Fibrinogen Concentrate as a Treatment Option (Video) Dr. Wegner discusses fibrinogen concentrate as a treatment option (26 minutes).