The Perfect Wave – Arrow AutoCAT 2 Wave (Video)
Ty Walker discuss the benefits of the fiber optic Arrow AutoCAT 2 Wave in this video presentation.
How to Incorporate Electronic Charting into the Perfusion Environment – The VIPER System (Video)
Steve Turner, CEO of Spectrum Medical discuss their new VIPER Electronic Charting System which promises to make electronic charting flexible and easy for the masses.
MVR, TVR and Cryo Maze Ablation Procedure Via Mini Thoracotomy (Video)
The video presents a Case Report on an MVR, TVR and Cryo Maze Ablation Procedure Via Mini Thoracotomy.
Perfusion Safety Review Course 2010 (Video CME)
The video presentation highlights the cascade of events that can lead to a perfusion accident. The ABCP has awarded 3.6 Category I CEUs for this presentation (92 minutes).
Florida Perfusion Licensure Efforts (Video)
Case Reports in the Sun IV video highlighting the perfusion licensure efforts in the state of Florida.
Somanetics Cerebral Oximetry
Case report on the Somantics Cerebral Oximeter and its clinical usage.
Platelet-Rich Plasma in Orthapedic Surgery (Video)
This video highlight the use of PRP in Orthapedic and Tendon surgery.
Platelet Rich Plasma Basic Science (Video)
This is a video which summarizes the mechanism of action of Platelet-rich plasma.
Datascope CS100 Setup and Operation (Video)
This presentation covers the setup and operation of the Datascope CS100 Intra-Aoric Balloon Pump.
World’s First Awake Cardiac Bypass & Valve Surgery, India (Video)
Dr Vivek Jawali, chief cardiovascular surgeon along with his team at Wockhardt Heart Hospital at Bangalore have set a global benchmark by performing the first coronary bypass surgery along with an aortic valve replacement without using general anaesthesia or ventilator support while the patient was on a heart lung machine.
The Importance of Surgical Coagulation (Video)
This video highlights the coagulation pathways and the importance of surgical coagulation.
Healthcare Heroes Heart-to-Heart Mission (Video)
John Biffar documents Dr. Pascotto's Heart-to-Heart cardiac surgey mission in the Dominican Republic.