Using Simulation to Reduce Risk in Perfusion (Video)
Jeffrey Riley shares his knowledge on simulation traning and how it can be used to reduce risk in perfusion (32 minutes).
VAD Accidents: Could Simulation Prevent Newer Technology Errors (Video)
David Fitzerald shares his knowledge on the role of simulation in VAD education and training (35 minutes).
The Evolution of Robotic Mitral Valve Surgery at the Cleveland Clinic (Video)
Vince W. Tobin gives an overview of robotic mirtal valve surgery at the Cleveland Clinic (51 minutes).
Clinical Benefits of Mitral Valve Repair (Video)
Ernesto Jimenez brings the audience up-to-date on the clinical benefits of mitral valve repair vs. replacement (58 minutes).
The CVOR POC Lab: A Look at Most Cited Deficiencies and Agency Updates (Video)
Michaela Cvitkovic guides us through the rules and regulations surrounding point of care testing in the cardiac OR (39 minutes).
Healthcare Regulatory Updates For 2009 (Video)
John Bennett brings us up-to-date with current changes in healthcare regulatory rules (37 minutes).
Myocardial Preservation: An Opportunity for Improvement (Video)
Aaron Hill, one of the living lengends in the perfusion industry, discusses current trends in myocardial protection (40 minutes).
Th Role of Platelet Growth Factors in Tendinopathy: Hype or Reality (Video)
Dr. Peter Everts discusses platelet-rich plasma therapy in tendinopathy applications (50 minutes).
Survival in the Cardiac OR: 14 Keys to Success (Video)
Brian O'Conner shares his experiences on how to survive and thrive in the cardiac OR setting (49 minutes).
Air Handling in Cardiac Surgery: New Concepts in an Old Problem (Video)
Serdar Gunaydin and Kevin McCusker discuss the topc of air handling in cardiac surgery including recent developments in new technology (49 minutes).
Minimized Cardiopulmonary Bypass: From Enthusiasm to Reason (Video)
Serdar Gunaydin and Kevin McCusker discuss recent advancements in miniturized cardiopulmonary bypass circuits and their practical applications in cardiac surgery (34 minutes).
Wound Care Management Treatment Options (Video)
Peter Everts discusses platelet-rich plasma therapy in the wound care environment (50 minutes).