Apico-Aortic Valve Conduit for Aortic Stenosis and Previous Coronary Artery Bypass (Video)
Dr. Anthony Shackelford presents a case report on an apico-aortic valve conduit (21 minutes).
Implementation of Automatic, Real-Time IABP Timing and Fiber Optic AP Monitoring in Clinical Practice (Video)
Patricia Hanlon discusses real-time monitoring and fiber optic timing with the Arrow IABP console (50 minutes).
Overview of Setting Up a Perfusion-Driven Blood Management Program (EP Video)
Ty Walker, Director of Blood Management for Perfusion.com, discusses the basics of setting up a blood management program (58 minutes).
Monitoring Hemostasis With the TEG (Video)
Mike Miller discusses the basics of hemostasis monitoring using the TEG (28 minutes).
Heparin – ACT Dynamics: Before and After “New” Heparin (Video)
Jeff Riley discusses observations from the Mayo Clinic regarding the new Heparin that is now on the market (17 minutes).
Evidence-Based Blood Management (Video)
Ty Walker discusses an evidence-based approach to blood management by perfusionists in cardiac surgery (17 minutes).
SABM: Who Are We, Where We’re Going (Video)
Dr. Sazama discusses the new goals of the Society for the Advancement of Blood Management (14 minutes).
Blood Management in Canada (Video)
Gerard Myers discusses the current trends in blood management from Canada (21 minutes).
In Vivo TEG Analysis of Wild Type and Transgene Knockout Mice with Endotoxemic-Induced Sepsis: Framework for the Study of Acute Traumatic Coagulopathy (Video)
Dr. Walsh presents a new framework for the study of acute traumatic coagulopathy (16 minutes).
A Fresh New Look at Pump Blood (Video)
Ty Walker discusses using a modified autotransfusion system used to maximize blood management in the OR (17 minutes).
Drug Elimination, Renal Function and Haptoglobins (Video)
Dr. Ferris discusses drug elimination, renal function and haptoglobins (16 minutes).
Autologous Platelet Gel Applications in Sports Medicine: Case Experience (Video)
Mike Higgins presents a case report on platelet gel applications in sports medicine (17 minutes).