PMX-60056 Reverses Heparin Anticoagulation Predictably and Safely (EP Video)
Dr. Mcallister discusses an experimental drug that reverses heparin without the bad effects of protamine (10:58 minutes).
Mitral Valve Repair: The Perfusionist’s Role (EP Video)
Dr. Chitwood discusses the perfusionist's role in minimally invasive mitral valve repair surgery (39:37 minutes).
Blood Test: What You Don’t Know About Blood
For decades, blood has been called "the gift of life." Each year, close to five million Americans receive a blood transfusion. For many, that transfusion will be a lifesaver. But for others, a transfusion may do more harm than good, according to some doctors and researchers (15:17 minutes).
Long-term Outcome of Brain Structure in Premature Infants: Effects of Liberal vs Restricted Red Blood Cell Transfusions
To assess the long-term outcome of brain structure in preterm infants, at an average age of 12 years, who received a red blood cell transfusion for anemia of prematurity.
Program in Motion: SUNY Simulation (Video)
Edward Darling sidcusses the simulation program currently in use at SUNY (20 minutes).
Can Guidelines Influence Care? (Video)
Dwayne Jones discusses perfusion guidelines and how they may influence patient care (23:15 minutes).
Myocardial Protection: Ripe For A Guideline (Video)
Kenneth G. Shann discusses myocardial protection and the lack of standardization (21:29 minutes).
Progress Report of the ICEBP Guideline Writing Subcommittee (Video)
Dave Fitzgerald discusses the progress of the IECBP Guideline Subcommittee (33:07 minutes).
Guideliner: A Helpful Tool or Misguided Enthusiasm? (Video)
Dr. Robert Baker discusses the efficacy of the Guideliner (15:31 minutes).
Registries in Motion: The Belgian Experience (Video)
Luc Puis discusses his expeience with the Belgian perfusion registry (20:06 minutes).
Perfusion Down Under Collaborative Database: Audit and Quality Improvement (Video)
Robert Baker discusses the Austrialian perfusion registry audits and quality improvement (24:24 minutes).
U.S. Experience of Incident Reporting: An Experience Waiting to Happen (Video)
Dave Fitzgerald discusses the experience of incident reporting in the United States (13:11 minutes).