CPB: Inflammation and Brain Injury (EP Video)
Dr. Hammon discusses cardiopulmonary bypass-related innflamation and resulting brain injury (49:50 minutes).
Neurologic and Cognative Outcomes Associated with Cardiac Surgery (EP Video)
Dr. McKhann discusses the neurologic and cognative outcomes after cardiac surgery (35:10 minutes).
Cardiac Regeneration by Stem Cell Therapy (EP Video)
Dr. Weisel discusses the latest advances in cardiac regeneration with stem cell therapy (18:07 minutes).
Mitigation of Acute Kidney Injury (EP Video)
Dr. Brown discusses strategies to mitigate acute kidney injury during cardiac surgery (23:49 minutes).
Platelet Gel: Fad or Savior? (EP Video)
Al Stammers discusses the current trends with Platelet Gel technology (21:48 minutes).
Moving Forward in Perfusion: What’s Hot and What’s Evolving (EP Video)
Al Stammers discusses the latest trends in the perfusion industry and what technologies are evolving (29:28 minutes).
Effect of Blood Salvage on Hemostasis (EP Video)
Dr. Waters discusses blood management and the effect of blood salvage on hemostasis (40:16 minutes).
Long-Term Consequences of Blood Transfusion (EP Video)
Dr. Brown discusses the long-term consequences of allogenic blood transfusions (15:17 minutes).
Renal Benefits of Pulsatile Perfusion in Cardiac Surgery: A Meta Analysis (EP Video)
Alicia Sievery revisits pulsatile perfusion through a Meta Analysis and discussion (8:46 minutes).
Blood Conservation in Cardiac Surgery: Making it Work (EP Video)
Amy Miclat discusses the blood conservation initiative at St. Lukes Hospital in Houston, TX (13:41 minutes).
The Efficacy of Leukocyte Filtration Strategies in Cardiac Surgery (EP Video)
Code Trowbridge discusses the newest data regarding the efficacy of leukocyte reduction in cardiac surgery (20:15 minutes).
Pediatric Perfusion Practice: Trends vs Evidence (EP Video)
Bob Groom discusses the latest trends and evidence in pediatric perfusion practice (26:10 minutes).