Oxygen Delivery and Development of Acute Kidney Injury After Cardiopulmonary Bypass (EP Video)
John Higgins discusses acute kidney injury after cardiopulmonary bypass (13:07 minutes).
Patient Directed Flow During Aortic Surgery (EP Video)
Dr. Poullis discusses his technique for patient-directed flow during aortic surgery (9:29 minutes).
Research Ethics and all that Jazz (EP Video)
David Egell discusses the ethical issues involved with scientific research (14:13 minutes).
Clinical Evaluation of a Novel Device for Fat Removal During Cardiopulmonary Bypass (EP Video)
Kurt Stassens discusses a new, novel device for fat and lipid removal during CPB (15:25 minutes).
Ex-Vivo Single Lung Perfusion Techniques: Expanding the Perfusionist Role during Lung Transplantation (EP Video)
George Justison discusses expanding the perfusionist's role during lung transplation procedures (12:41 minutes).
Initial Harvest Findings from the International Consortium for Evidence-Based Perfusion Registry Pilot (EP Video)
Donny Likosky discusses the initial findings from their registry pilot program (14:37 minutes).
Health Care: Past, Present and Future (Video)
Dr. Uhlig discusses health care in the United States, past, present and future (49:11 minutes).
Bubbles During Cardiopulmonary Bypass (EP Video)
Dr. Michael Poullis discusses air versus helium to reduce microbubbles during cardiopulmonary bypass (8:32 minutes).
The Efficacy of Washing Allogeneic Blood to Decrease the Systemic Inflammatory Response (EP Video)
Carla Bistrick discusses the proposition of washing packed red cells to decrease the systemic inflammatory response (12:38 minutes).
Hypertensive Extracoporeal Limb Perfusion (EP Video)
Darryl McMillan discusses a new perfusion technique that may prevent limb amputation (15:13 minutes).
Reporting Variation in Perfusion Process of Care Metrics Using Multi-Centre Electronic Data Collection (EP Video)
Robert Baker discuss reporting variationand multi-center data collection as part of process improvement (13:47 minutes).
Update on the ABCP Certification Process
Greg Mork discusses the current status of the ABCP including the increased fees this year (31:06 minutes).