Healthcare Disparities in the Outcomes of Cardiac Surgery Patients (EP Video)
Dr. Dunton discusses the disparities in outcomes of cardiac surgery patients (35:39 minutes).
Total Artifical Heart (EP Video)
Christopher Pierce discusses the Syncardia Total Artifical Heart (34:01 minutes).
SUNY Student and Resident Training: National Long-term Vision (EP Video)
Bruce Searles discusses the SUNY resident training program and their long-term vision (38:06 minutes).
Patient Safety Issues: Leave Your Ego Out of the Room (EP Video)
Susan Englert discuess patient safety issues in the operating room (38:14 minutes).
Could This Happen to You? A DIscussion of Real Perfusion Accidents and How to Avoid Them (EP Video)
Bruce Searles discusses very specific perfusion accidents and how to avoid them (40:19 minutes).
Applications for the Orpheus Perfusion Simulator (EP Video)
Deborah Zarro discusses the role of simulation at conference events (25:14 minutes).
Team Training 101: How to Build a Culture of Safety (EP Video)
Robery Groom discusses the process of building a culture of safety in the OR (40:44 minutes).
VAD Accreditation (EP Video)
Dennis Rivard discusses the process of VAD accreditation (24:32 minutes).
ECMO Simulation and Standardized Patient Scenarios (EP Video)
Dr. Richard Tallman discusses ECMO simulation with standardized patient scenarios (23:57 minutes).
ECMO Team Training and Resident Training (EP Video)
Jeff Riley discusses ECMO team training and resident training with simulation (28:55 minutes).
Sanibel Symposium 2012 – Thursday Sessions (EP Video)
Sanibel Symposium Thursday Sessions Filmed 02/16/2012 (342:03 minutes).