Antithrombin: Panacea or Hype? (EP Video)
Utilization of a goal-directed algorithm for the administration of concentrated AT for the correction of heparin resistance is safe and effective in patients undergoing cardiac surgery (41:20 minutes)
TAVR Procedure While on ECMO: A Case Study (EP Video)
Brent Thye presents a case report on a patient that had a TAVR procedure while on ECMO (14:32 minutes).
Near Misses and Scary Possibilities (EP Video)
Dr. Lance Lester discusses is personal experiences with near misses and scary possibilities in surgery (56:00 minutes).
Using Autologous Blood to improve outcomes in Otologic Procedures (EP Video)
This presentation by Dr. Mark Widick will introduce the use of fibrin foam in ear reconstruction and briefly introduce key concepts in chronic ear disease and surgical repair (23:42 minutes).
Newly Approved TAVR Valve Technology (EP Video)
Dr. Lee Lucas discusses the newly approved Sapien 3 and the CoreValve Evolut R (42:03 minutes).
Heart Failure in the Community Hospital (EP Video)
Dr. Neil Galindez discusses the trends in heart failure in the community hospital setting (28:22 minutes).
Use of Cormatrix for Tissue Regeneration in CV Surgery (EP Video)
CorMatrix ECM is FDA approved for Pericardial Reconstruction, Intracardiac and Vascular repair and is used in over 825 hospitals across the US, surpassing the 150,000 implant mark (22:48 minutes).
TAVR and Cardiopulmonary Bypass Support (EP Video)
Steve Tillman will presents brief history and basics of TAVR and the necessity of CPB support for all procedures (22:05 minutes).
Beyond the TAVR: A Case Series (EP Video)
Jenna Cornibe discusses the current advances in percutaneous valve technology (09:48 minutes).
The Virtues and Pitfalls of Licensure (EP Video)
Mike Troike highlights the pros and cons of licensure, giving some historical perspective and ongoing developments that challenge the perfusion profession (44:19 minutes).
Veno-Venous ECMO Support with Biventricular VAD Implantation (EP Video)
Mohammed discusses and pateint on veno-Venous ECMO support with biventricular VAD implantation (25:18 minutes).
Type A Dissection Leads to Total Artificial Heart Bridge-to-Transplant (EP Video)
Kelly Sullivan presents a case report expressed the complicated road to recovery for a patient who underwent two heart transplant procedures (17:31 minutes).