THI: Leading the Way with 1000+ VADS (EP Video)
Sanjay Patel discusses the Texas Heart experience with over 1000 VAD devices implanted to-date (47:25 minutes).
Latest Advances in Transcatheter Valve Technology (EP Video)
Dr. Faraz Kerendi discussed the latest advances in transcatheter valve technology (30:53 minutes).
The Future is Bright: Financial Wisdon (EP Video)
Doc Phiroz provides a great overview on financial planning for perfusionists (32:33 minutes).
Rocky Mountain Perfusion and the Quest Myocardial Protection System (EP Video)
Pamela Milligan discusses her group's experience with the Quest MPS System (20:42 minutes).
Considerations During Autotransfusion (EP Video)
John Rivera brings us up-to-date with the current standards and guidelines in autotransfusion (24:23 minutes).
A Glimpse into the Future of Perfusion: The Singularity (EP Video)
Ben Komorowski gives us a glimpse into the future of perfusion technology (EP Video).
Novel Technologies for Wound Healing (EP Video)
Seradar Gunyadin discusses the wound healing market and new stem cell technologies in Europe (19:40 minutes).
Is There a Cure for Cystic Fibrosis Though Perfusion? (EP Video)
Courtney Peterson discusses the prospects for a perfusion cure to Cystic Fibrosis (19:09 minutes).
The Role of Microplegia in Reducing Post-Operative Low Cardiac Output Syndrome (EP Video)
Paul Murphy discusses the role of microplegia in reducing low cardiac output syndrome (25:33 minutes).
The Future is Bright: Financial Wisdon (EP Video)
Doc Phiroz provides a great overview on financial planning for perfusionists (32:33 minutes).
Considerations During Autotransfusion (EP Video)
John Rivera brings us up-to-date with the current standards and guidelines in autotransfusion (24:23 minutes).
Sorin Heartlink: One System, Many Solutions (EP Video)
Shanna Schmidt discusses Sorin's new Heartlink System (26:21 minutes).