Limiting Circulatory Arrest Using Regional Low Flow Perfusion
Limiting Circulatory Arrest Using Regional Low Flow Perfusion
Rationale of Platelet Gel to Augment Adaptive Remodeling of the Injured Heart
Rationale of Platelet Gel to Augment Adaptive Remodeling of the Injured Heart
Mini Extracorporeal Circuit for Coronary Artery Bypass Grafting: Initial Clinical and Biochemical Results
W.J. van Boven[1]; W.B. Gerritsen[1]; F.G. Waanders[1]; F.J. Haas[1]; L.P. Aarts[2] [1] St Antonius Hospital Nieuwegein, Nieuwegein, The Netherlands [2] University Hospital […]
Heart-Brain Institute at the Cleveland Clinic
Heart-Brain Institute at the Cleveland Clinic, “first of its kind”
The Oxygen Dissociation Curve: Quantifying the Shift
An oxyhaemoglobin dissociation curve (ODC) quantifies the most important function of red blood cells and that is the affinity for oxygen and […]
The Effects of Leukocyte Reduction on Matrix Metalloproteinase Release in Cardiopulmonary Bypass
Matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs) are a family of enzymes responsible for degrading the extracellular matrix, a process that likely contributes to the development […]
Metabolic Acidosis Developing During Cardiopulmonary Bypass is Related to a Decrease in Strong Ion Difference
Metabolic acidosis is a frequent complication of cardiopulmonary bypass (CPB). Commonly, its cause is ascribed to hypoperfusion; however, iatrogenic causes, related to […]
Liver Blood Flow During Cardiac Surgery
OBJECTIVE: Impairment of liver blood flow and, therefore, potentially liver function, has important short-term consequences because of the liver’s key metabolic importance […]
The Oxygen Dissociation Curve: Quantifying the Shift
An oxyhaemoglobin dissociation curve (ODC) quantifies the most important function of red blood cells and that is the affinity for oxygen and […]
The Oxygen Dissociation Curve: Quantifying the Shift
An oxyhaemoglobin dissociation curve (ODC) quantifies the most important function of red blood cells and that is the affinity for oxygen and […]
What is Cardiopulmonary Bypass?
Cardiopulmonary bypass (CPB) is a technique that temporarily takes over the function of the heart and lungs during surgery, maintaining the circulation of blood and the oxygen content […]