Hypotensive Transfusion Reactions Can Occur With Blood Products That Are Leukoreduced Before Storage
Hypotensive reactions can occur with blood products that are LR before storage and non-LR ANH. An inherent defect in the metabolism of kinins may be a risk factor for the development of hypotensive transfusion reactions.
Initial Experience With the Heartstring Proximal Anastomotic System
The Heartstring proximal anastomotic system is a device that allows the surgeon to perform standard proximal clampless anastomoses. Elderly patients with a diseased aorta may benefit from this device.
Cell Salvage in Obstetrics: An Evaluation of the Ability of Cell Salvage Combined with Leucocyte Depletion Filtration to Remove Amniotic Fluid from Operative Blood Loss at Caesarean Section
Autotransfusion by cell salvage with leucocyte depletion filtration should be considered in life-threatening obstetric haemorrhage and offered to Jehovah's Witnesses.
Axillary Cannulation: Antegrade Flow and Brain Protection (Quicktime Movie)
Axillary Cannulation: Antegrade Flow and Brain Protection (Quicktime Movie)
Perfusion Korea: An Online Video Presentation (Windows Media)
Perfusion Korea: An Online Video Presentation by Kuna Kim (Windows Media)
Can Extra Protamine Eliminate Heparin Rebound Following Cardiopulmonary Bypass Surgery
Postoperative protamine infusion was able to almost totally abolish heparin rebound. In the context of this study, protamine infusion resulted in reduced postoperative bleeding but the magnitude was insufficient to alter transfusion requirements.
Advantages of Off-Pump Coronary Artery Bypass Grafting in Long-Term Hemodialysis Patients: Multicenter Analysis
OPCAB significantly decreased blood loss, blood transfusion, ICU stay, and major perioperative morbidity compared with the values for CCAB. OPCAB may have advantages over CCAB in long-term hemodialysis patients.
Effect of Older Donor Age on Risk for Mortality After Heart Transplantation
Donor age as a continuous variable, however, was determined to be a notable predictor of survival and use of the donor age cut-point of 40 years (categorical variable) allowed risk stratification with similar accuracy. The use of a donor age cut-point of 40 years may be a useful clinical criterion for graft-related risk assessment.
Optimizing Intraoperative Cerebral Oxygen Delivery Using Noninvasive Cerebral Oximetry Decreases the Incidence of Stroke for Cardiac Surgical Patients
The treatment group, which underwent all cardiac surgeries with optimized cerebral oxygen delivery using cerebral oximetry monitoring, demonstrated a signifi- cantly lower incidence of permanent stroke. Because our study is retrospective, a prospective randomized trial is warranted.
Out-Patients Treated With Nesiritide Show Reduced Cardio Remodeling, Significant Improvements in Heart Function
Left ventricular remodeling and mitral and tricuspid regurgitation frequently follow myocardial injury, and are associated with worsening symptoms following heart failure.
Surgery for Aneurysms of the Aortic Root: A 30-Year Experience
Aortic root replacement for aortic root aneurysms can be done with low morbidity and mortality. Composite valve conduit reconstruction resulted in a durable result. There were few serious complications related to the need for long-term anticoagulation or a prosthetic valve.
Platelet Function Predicts Myocardial Damage in Patients With Acute Myocardial Infarction
Patients with STEMI have significantly enhanced platelet function when measured under high shear rates. CADP-CT is an independent predictor of the severity of MI, as measured by markers of cardiac necrosis. Measurement of platelet function with the PFA-100 may help in the risk stratification of patients presenting with MI.