Left Ventricular Assist Device Performance With Long-Term Circulatory Support: Lessons From the REMATCH Trial
Despite the observed rates of device malfunction and replacement, LVAD implantation confers clinically significant improvement with regard to survival as compared with medical management.
Left Ventricular Assist Device Performance With Long-Term Circulatory Support: Lessons From the REMATCH Trial
Despite the observed rates of device malfunction and replacement, LVAD implantation confers clinically significant improvement with regard to survival as compared with medical management.
A Review of Anti-Inflammatory Strategies in Cardiac Surgery
The overall conclusion is that although certain strategies reduce plasma levels of inflammatory mediators, convincing evidence of significant clinical benefits is yet to come.
Professional Liability Insurance Terms
Claims-Made Coverage: Claims-made policies cover policyholders for alleged acts of malpractice that take place and are reported to the carrier during the […]
A Review of Anti-Inflammatory Strategies in Cardiac Surgery
The overall conclusion is that although certain strategies reduce plasma levels of inflammatory mediators, convincing evidence of significant clinical benefits is yet to come.
Flow in Coronary Bypass Conduits On-Pump and Off-Pump
There were no major differences in conduit flow on-pump versus off-pump. Conventional coronary artery bypass grafting on-pump may restore up to approximately half of the normal resting coronary artery blood flow (250 mL/min).
The ‘Gray Area’ of Malpractice Risk Management Keeps Problems from Becoming Lawsuits
Every medical practice should consider forming its own CRC as a way of actively managing liability risks. The payoff in terms of reduced tort claims, improved practice reputation, and regulatory compliance is incalculable.
The Influence of Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus in Patients Undergoing Coronary Artery Bypass Graft Surgery
Patients with type 2 diabetes who are undergoing CABG surgery experience significantly more total operative mortality compared to nondiabetic patients, even after controlling for multiple variables.
Hemodynamic Changes During Posterior Vessel Off-Pump Coronary Artery Bypass: Comparison Between Deep Pericardial Sutures and Vacuum-Assisted Apical Suction Device
Displacement of the heart using either a deep pericardial suture technique or a vacuum-assisted apical suction device caused a significant decrease in SVI. The hemodynamic changes during OM grafting were smaller when using a vacuum-assisted apical suction device.
A Prospective Randomized Study to Evaluate the Effect of Leukodepletion on the Rate of Alveolar Production of Exhaled Nitric Oxide During Cardiopulmonary Bypass
Continuous arterial line leukocyte-depletion significantly reduces the rate of alveolar production of exhaled nitric oxide after cardiopulmonary bypass. Changes in the rate of alveolar production of exhaled nitric oxide may be used as a marker of pulmonary inflammation in coronary artery surgery.
AmSECT Today Newsletter (December 2004)
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Hemodynamic Changes During Posterior Vessel Off-Pump Coronary Artery Bypass: Comparison Between Deep Pericardial Sutures and Vacuum-Assisted Apical Suction Device
Displacement of the heart using either a deep pericardial suture technique or a vacuum-assisted apical suction device caused a significant decrease in SVI. The hemodynamic changes during OM grafting were smaller when using a vacuum-assisted apical suction device.